
New b0neZyard

There's an old saying:
"Home is where you hang your hat."
Well. I have a new home. Its about a 30 second walk from NevadaWolfs' place. It's not much, but it's mine, and soon it'll be Kindergeeks' as well.
Is it a little run down? Yeah, it is. But it's more than sufficient for my needs and it's nothing that time and a little T.L.C. won't fix.
Will it take time to adjust to living alone? You bet.
New sights, sounds, perspective... it'll take a lot of getting used to.
I'm not even moved in yet and I'm already lonely.


Well, at least I know this isn't the worst I've been through, and therefore can be certain that, no matter what, I can and will survive.

Be Well, and of course....


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